Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another BIG Reason to Go Veg!

This past year has brought severe stress into my life. As a result, I started experiencing tightness in my chest, and even sharp pains; no doubt stress-related. EKG checks out fine, so no heart issues. Since removing meat from my diet I've noticed the pain in my chest has subsided. I also attribute this welcome development to increased exercise and deliberately working to develop a more positive outlook. I have no idea what percent to attribute to what part, but am happy to give them all a bit of credit.

Some random thoughts:
I will never go back to eating meat the way I used to! It just feels too good to be free of it. So much variety, nutrition, and savings. Eating meat sparingly has taken on a whole new meaning for me and I invite anyone reading this to seriously consider trying to eat whole foods without meat. Even if you just do it one day a week to start, I bet you would love it! Vegetarian eating is not a whacky hippie thing anymore. The science is there. The taste certainly is, and the more I experience it for myself, the more I love it!

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