About Us


My name is Michelle and I am the Mom in a family that includes me, my husband, Jeff, and 4 kids: Kylie (20), William, (18), Erika (14), and Garrett (12). We live in north Idaho, surrounded by woods and mountain lakes. Besides having a dog, two cats, and a rabbit, we regularly have deer in our yard, and this winter we had two moose wander through. So, we live a bit rural!

We are an average family, who strives to get through the day the best we can. We all pull together during good and difficult times, and our kids are the best of friends. This blog is about our journey into becoming vegetarians, or flexitarians - depending upon where we end up!

I know my original blog post will get lost, but it basically states why this blog was started, so here is what it said:

My husband and I have discussed the idea of going vegetarian for a long time, but we weren't sure we wanted to give up meat entirely. What if we wanted to have meat occasionally? I guess we shouldn't have been surprised that there was already a definition for a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat, she is called a flexitarian.

I am not sure where I will end up, only time will tell. Many people who become vegetarian's lose all desire to eat meat, maybe that is where I will be. Or maybe, for whatever reason, I will have fish, meat or chicken on the rare occasion. My husband and kids may end up in the same place or someplace different than I, and that is o.k.

We have made small efforts at going vegetarian in the past, but today we start the Vegetarian Times 28-Day Veg Boot Camp. So join on us on our journey. I will post about our feelings, why we made the decision to become vegetarians, our kids thoughts, and perhaps best of all, I will post the different recipes we try and what we think of them. After all, isn't what you are going to eat often one of the greatest concerns when becoming a vegetarian? And I will not only give you recipes that our family tries, but also up to five different opinions!

So join our journey, either as an observer or an active participant to becoming a vegetarian!
So, this is a bit about who we are and the changes we are trying to make. Jeff and I are the main ones trying to change our diet to vegetarian, but the kids are supportive and encouraging, and will eat mainly vegetarian with us since that is the food that will be fixed in the home. I believe they have mixed feeling about what they want to do personally, so it will be interesting to get their feelings on the changes as they happen. Our oldest daughter, Kylie, is not at home, she is working for the summer in Arizona in a lodge by the Grand Canyon, but we will get her feedback, and record her thoughts on different recipes when she is home.

So, peruse our thoughts and feelings, become a bit educated about what we are doing and why, and try some of the recipes that our family it trying. Who knows, maybe you are now, or will someday, undertake a similar journey in your own life!

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